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Emmy list of non-salable brands

In our experience, these brands sell poorly, have a low resale value, or are difficult to verify authenticity. The brands on sale you will find here. List has been updated on 02.09.2022.

0-9: 101 Idees, 1982

A: About you, Accessories, Accessorize, Aito, Alfani, Alley, Amisu, Angry Birds, Ann Christine, Ann Miller, Antti Tapani (Prisma), Asos, Atlant, Atmosphere, Attitude

B: Babyboom, Baby Club, Barbie, Batistini, Beavers, Bershka, Bik Bok, Bla Bla, Black Squad, Blanco, Blue Seven, Bluezoo, B.NC, Bonprix, Boohoo, Borse in pelle, Brandtex, Broadway, Bubbleroom, Busino, B&W

C: C&A, Calippo, Canda, C.a.n.d.a, Canelle, Carena, Carter's, CCDK, Cedar Wood State, Cellbes, Cheetah, Chicco, Ciraf, Clique, Clockhouse, Clup, Color Kids, Cotton On, Crafted, Crivit, Creblet, Cropp, Cubus

D: Delicate, Denim&Co, Der bär, Dinsko, Dirkje, Disney, DLS (Dallas), DNY, Doogood, Dopo Dopo, Dressmann, Dunlop

E: Early Days, Ebound, Elisabeth Shannon, Ellos, Emoi, Emonite, EMP, Esmara, Exit

F: Faded Glory, Fashion Nova, FB Sisters, F&F, Finnwear, Fishbone, Flo G, Forever 21, Fruit of the Loom, FSBN, Future

G: Garanimals, Garret, Gemo, George, Gildan, Gina Tricot, Girandola, Glup, Gossip, Guppy

H: Halens, H2O, H&M, Hailys, Halonen, Hampton Republic (KappAhl), Hard Rock, Harley Davidson, Harrison, Henry's, Here+There, Hello Kitty, House

I: Icon, Impuls, Impulse, Indiska, Inspire

J: Jacky, Janina F., Jan Stuart, JDY (Jacqueline de Yong), Jess, Jessica, Joe Fresh, John Deere, Jolinesse, Jsfn, Julia, Jutta

K: Kaiio, KappAhl, Kaxs Proxtec, Kids Club, Kids Kids, Kids Up, Kiira Korpi (K-Citymarket), Koton

L: Lager 157, Land&Lake, Lassie, LC Waikiki, Lefties, Les Mills, Line Collection, Line One, Linear, Lingon & Blåbär, Linus & Lotta, Lisa Rose, Little Cutie, Little Rebel, Little Sticthes, Lotta & Lassi, Lovely Bears, Love to Lounge, Lupilu

M: Made in Italy, Madison Avenue, Madonna, Mango, Maria S., Marlon, Martinelli, Marvin, Marwin, Mauri Kunnas, Mc Baby, Mc Gordon, Merlyn, Mikko Mallikas, Milly Willy, Mini Star, Missguided, Mohito, Monki, Monoprix, Moomin, M.O.S, Motivo Boutique, My Hailys, My Wear

N: Nalle, Napero, Nelly, Never Denim (Bik Bok), New Yorker, Nicolas, Noisy May, Nordic Tricot, Novita, No Secret, Nutmeg

O: Object, Ocean Club, Only, Only&Sons, Opia, Orsay

P: Palomino, Papaya, Pepco, Pepperts, Peuhu, Phelix, Pieces, Pikkuset (before year 2018), Pimkie, Pippi, Place, Play Zone, Pola, Premoda, Pretty Little Thing, Primark, Promod, Prosec, Ps..., Pull&Bear

R: Race Marine, Ragazzi, Rainbow, R-Cover, Reach, Rebel, Redwood, Reflex, Replic, Reserved, Ristomatti Ratia, Robin Ruth, Rocky, Rosebullet, Rossbros, Ryhmä Hau, Rölli

S: Sara Kelly, Secret possessions, Seppälä, Seven Lemon, Shannon, Sheilay, Shein, Sidonas, Sinsay, Sirup, Smog, Spiderman, Spirit, Springfield, Splash, Staccato, Stadium, Stay, St. Bernard, Steam, Steps, Story, Stradivarius

T: Takko, Tally Weijl, Terranova, Thor Steinar, TRN1961, Tinttu, Touch9, Tricky Tracks, TU, Tuffer, Tutta, Twice

U: Universal Thread, Urban

V: Vera Pelle, Vero Moda, Vendi, Vila, Vintage Stories (KappAhl)

X: X-girl, XIT, XLNT (KappAhl)

Y: Yessica, Young Dimension, Young Line, Young Spirit, Your Sixth Sense

Z: Zara, Zaful, Zalando, Z.I.P., ZipZap

Please note that we follow the current list when handling the products. So sometimes it can happen that a brand you send for sale has been added to the list only after you have already sent your product for sale. In this case, please contact our customer service.