Charity has played an important role in Emmy's operations from the very beginning of the company. If desired, Emmy's customers can donate their unsold products or all of their sales revenue to charity through well-known charities that are Emmy's partners.
Hope – Yhdessä ja Yhteisesti ry
Hope – Yhdessä ja Yhteisesti ry distribute clothing and goods donations to low-income and crisis-stricken families, and provide hobby support and leisure experiences for children and young people.
Hope ry's Lohja region is one of Emmy's longest-standing partners, and our cooperation is both regular and concrete. A representative from Lohja Hope visits Emmy's premises every few weeks and picks up exactly the clothes and accessories needed by the assisted families from among the products donated to charity.
Vailla Vakinaista Asuntoa ry (Vva ry.)
Vailla Vakinaista Asuntoa ry is a politically and religiously non-governmental organization founded in 1986 by the homeless themselves.
In addition to advocacy and organizational activities for the homeless, Vva ry organizes low-threshold services (including the Vepa day center and the Mobile Support), is responsible for the operations of two long-term homeless housing units and organizes Finland's largest annual social and health event, Homeless Night.
Emmy sellers can donate their sales revenue to these partners:
SOS Lapsikylä Unicef Pelastakaa lapset ry